WaveOptics is a proud supporter of the new UK Metamaterials Network. It is timely for WaveOptics to be involved as we have submitted our first metamaterials patent.
Officially initiated in March 2021, this new network currently consists of 70 people and aims to build bridges between academia and industry. The network was inspired by a need to explain what meta materials are and their wide applicability to solve challenges faced by companies around the country.
What are Metamaterials?
Arseny, the Director of Waveguide Development at WaveOptics defines metamaterials as a “structured media purposely designed to achieve functionality beyond what is possible with conventional materials”.
3 Reasons to join the UK Metamaterials Network
Arseny has a long-standing relationship with Exeter University who are the host institution. He believes the network will help WaveOptics to engage with new partners, helping the company to enhance functionality of waveguides and light engines using metamaterial technology. And this year will benefit WaveOptics and fellow industry members through landscaping metamaterial developments in the UK and planning strategic collaborations.
We spoke to Dr Anja Roeding, Co-Lead of the EPSRC Network to learn more about this media and its benefits for industry:
“Metamaterials are a Technology Enabler.”
“They are designed from conventional materials to engineer bespoke characteristics and functionality. This concept of function-through-structure is universally relevant to any application where control of information or energy is required.
“Ground-breaking applications range from ultrafast and energy-efficient computing and electronics, to thinner, smaller, and lighter antennas; from holographic displays to lightweight, but extraordinarily strong materials; from noise control to high resolution imaging and enhanced sensing; from clean energy production to energy-efficient cooling.
The specific research questions encompass, for example,
- active metamaterials to provide reconfigurable functionality;
- flexible metasurfaces that can be stretched, bent, rolled-up and wrapped around non-flat geometries to tune and add functionality to existing devices;
- reduction of form factor, weight, power usage;
- enhancing security of communication systems and computing devices, while increasing their bandwidth and speed;
- miniaturisation of components for onchip applications such as sensing, healthcare monitoring and working at the human-computer interface;
- novel composites and metasurfaces that enable devices to work effectively in less congested frequency bands;
- manipulation of light, sound, heat and vibration in local environments, to optimize plant growth and improve living and working conditions for our populations;
- etc…
What challenges do you face? Could Metamaterials help?
The UK Metamaterials Network brings together experts from academia, industry, RTOs, and governmental agencies to resolve interdisciplinary challenges for this exciting field of emerging materials from theory, fabrication, experiment, to large-scale manufacturing and field testing.
The Network consists of Special Interest Groups (e.g. Nanophotonic and Plasmonic Metamaterials; Active Metamaterials; Flexible and Conformable Metasurfaces; Metamaterials Manufacturing and Scale-Up) and Forums (for Industry; Early career Researchers; Outreach; and Horizon Scanning).
They coordinate events from broad scientific showcases to in-depth think tanks on industry challenges to share knowledge, build relationships, and enhance innovation.
Talk to UKMM. We would like to understand your problem, connect you to the right partners, and work together to develop pathways into fit-for-purpose solutions. Email here.
Talk to Arseny at WaveOptics if you have a relevant solution here.
WaveOptics is a proud supporter of the new UK Metamaterials Network. It is timely for WaveOptics to be involved as we have submitted our first metamaterials patent.
Officially initiated in March 2021, this new network currently consists of 70 people and aims to build bridges between academia and industry. The network was inspired by a need to explain what meta materials are and their wide applicability to solve challenges faced by companies around the country.
What are Metamaterials?
Arseny, the Director of Waveguide Development at WaveOptics defines metamaterials as a “structured media purposely designed to achieve functionality beyond what is possible with conventional materials”.
3 Reasons to join the UK Metamaterials Network
Arseny has a long-standing relationship with Exeter University who are the host institution. He believes the network will help WaveOptics to engage with new partners, helping the company to enhance functionality of waveguides and light engines using metamaterial technology. And this year will benefit WaveOptics and fellow industry members through landscaping metamaterial developments in the UK and planning strategic collaborations.
We spoke to Dr Anja Roeding, Co-Lead of the EPSRC Network to learn more about this media and its benefits for industry:
“Metamaterials are a Technology Enabler.”
“They are designed from conventional materials to engineer bespoke characteristics and functionality. This concept of function-through-structure is universally relevant to any application where control of information or energy is required.
“Ground-breaking applications range from ultrafast and energy-efficient computing and electronics, to thinner, smaller, and lighter antennas; from holographic displays to lightweight, but extraordinarily strong materials; from noise control to high resolution imaging and enhanced sensing; from clean energy production to energy-efficient cooling.
The specific research questions encompass, for example,
- active metamaterials to provide reconfigurable functionality;
- flexible metasurfaces that can be stretched, bent, rolled-up and wrapped around non-flat geometries to tune and add functionality to existing devices;
- reduction of form factor, weight, power usage;
- enhancing security of communication systems and computing devices, while increasing their bandwidth and speed;
- miniaturisation of components for onchip applications such as sensing, healthcare monitoring and working at the human-computer interface;
- novel composites and metasurfaces that enable devices to work effectively in less congested frequency bands;
- manipulation of light, sound, heat and vibration in local environments, to optimize plant growth and improve living and working conditions for our populations;
- etc…
What challenges do you face? Could Metamaterials help?
The UK Metamaterials Network brings together experts from academia, industry, RTOs, and governmental agencies to resolve interdisciplinary challenges for this exciting field of emerging materials from theory, fabrication, experiment, to large-scale manufacturing and field testing.
The Network consists of Special Interest Groups (e.g. Nanophotonic and Plasmonic Metamaterials; Active Metamaterials; Flexible and Conformable Metasurfaces; Metamaterials Manufacturing and Scale-Up) and Forums (for Industry; Early career Researchers; Outreach; and Horizon Scanning).
They coordinate events from broad scientific showcases to in-depth think tanks on industry challenges to share knowledge, build relationships, and enhance innovation.
Talk to UKMM. We would like to understand your problem, connect you to the right partners, and work together to develop pathways into fit-for-purpose solutions. Email here.
Talk to Arseny at WaveOptics if you have a relevant solution here.